Do Your Forklifts Need Repair? Know How To Tell

When your company relies on forklifts for safety and production purposes, you need to keep those forklifts in good operating condition. Unfortunately, many of those who are trained to operate forklifts aren't as well-trained in recognizing forklift problems. It's in your best interest to ensure that all of your staff is trained to identify the signs that a forklift is in need of repair. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to watch for.

Check For Leaks

Forklifts rely on oil for many different components both for lubrication and for reducing thermal buildup. Your forklift shouldn't leak oil from any area, but if you start to see oil spots underneath your equipment, it's important that you address the problem right away.

Leaking oil from a forklift can be a serious threat to the motor as well as the moving components. If you don't address it and the oil level gets too low, your forklift motor could seize due to thermal damage. Reach out to a repair technician any time you find oil on the forklift or underneath it.

Monitor The Chain

Most forklift chains are designed to last for thousands of hours of operation when they are properly cared for and used. You need to keep the chain lubricated, and it should be inspected daily to ensure that there is no damage.

Your chain inspection should include looking for signs of corrosion, kinking, and excess play. Additionally, you should be sure that the link plates and pins are all in good condition and secure. Any signs of wear or damage should be addressed by a forklift repair technician, otherwise, you risk having the chain fail mid-load. This can cause damage to the load and potential injury to your operator.

Assess The Forks

Remember that, while your forklift as a whole does a lot of work, the forks are the part that takes the most abuse. The forks bear the weight of loads, handle the lifting, and more. As a result, forklift forks are one of the most common areas for damage. You need to be sure that the forks are level and properly oriented at all times. The forks should be free of cracks, dings, and other physical damage as well.

Any forks that are cracked, bent, or otherwise damaged should be replaced before the forklift is put back into service again. Damage like this can put a load, and your operator, at great risk. If the fork fails, the load can fall and the forklift may even tip. That's why it's essential that you are attentive to the fork condition at all times.

Talk to a company like RDS Equipment, Inc for more guidance about signs that your machines need attention.
